Archives for category: 7 Sucky Jobs

7 Sucky Jobs

  1. Cat Food Tester
  2. Hair Boiler
  3. Knife Thrower’s Assistant
  4. Flatulence Analyst

  5. TBA
  6. TBA
  7. TBA
  8. TBA


The Thumbs

The Pencil

The Ink

The Flat

The Finish

7 Sucky Jobs

  1. Cat Food Tester
  2. Hair Boiler
  3. Knife Thrower’s Assistant

  4. Flatulence Analyst
  5. TBA
  6. TBA
  7. TBA


The Thumbs (Really they’re Just Doodles.)

The Pencil

The Ink

The Flat

The Finish

7 Sucky Jobs

  1. Cat Food Tester
  2. Hair Boiler

  3. Knife Thrower’s Assistant
  4. Flatulence Analyst
  5. TBA
  6. TBA
  7. TBA


The Thumbs

The Pencil

The Ink

The Color Hold

The Flat

The Finish

*I have added the thumbnails to the post.

7 Sucky Jobs

  1. Cat Food Tester

  2. Hair Boiler
  3. Knife Thrower’s Assistant
  4. Flatulence Analyst
  5. TBA
  6. TBA
  7. TBA


The Thumbs

The Pencil

The Ink

The Flat

The Finish